Human rights policy for Human1st

Human1st’s Human Rights Policy is a fundamental part of our organizational culture. We focus on integrity, transparency and a commitment to promoting better working conditions for our employees and candidates. Human1st remains a guardian of human rights, striving to create a workspace that respects and supports every individual. Mission and Values Human1st is a company that puts people at the center of all its activities, believing that every employee and candidate deserves respect, equality, and fair treatment. We are committed to promoting and protecting human rights at every organizational level. Our policies are based on international standards, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Labor Organization (ILO) conventions, and UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Our goal is to build an environment that promotes diversity, equality, and freedom from all forms of discrimination.
  1. Equality of opportunity Human1st works for equal treatment and the promotion of opportunities for all. We ensure that all applicants and employees have equal opportunities for employment, professional development and promotions, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or socioeconomic status.
  2. Dignity and respect Our recruitment processes and daily practices are conducted in an atmosphere of mutual respect. We make sure that every employee is treated with dignity, regardless of their position. We promote open communication so that everyone can freely express their opinions, needs and raise any concerns.
  3. Health and safety Human1st’s priority is to provide a safe working environment, both physically and mentally. We strive to minimize occupational risks by providing appropriate training and implementing health and safety standards. We also take care of the mental health of our employees by creating a culture of support and work-life balance.
  4. Freedom from discrimination and harassment Human1st has a zero tolerance policy against any form of discrimination, harassment or intimidation. We are committed to responding to all reports of violations and to providing a fair process for handling complaints. Any form of discrimination is unacceptable and severely punished.
  5. Fair working conditions and pay Our company is committed to providing fair remuneration that complies with local regulations and a decent standard of living. We are committed to transparency in terms of employment conditions, remuneration and all benefits. We believe that every employee should have the right to stable and fair working conditions.
  6. Social responsibility and support for local communities Human1st is committed to supporting the communities in which it operates. We initiate educational programs, collaborate with nonprofit organizations and actively work to raise awareness of human rights. We support sustainable development and initiatives that promote environmental sustainability.
  7. Implementation and monitoring Our team regularly reviews and monitors human rights activities and ethical standards to ensure their effectiveness and compliance with our policies. Employees are trained on this policy, and any deviations are dealt with promptly.