Human1st Code of Ethics

Human1st Code of Ethics

Human1st ‘s code of ethics is a commitment to our employees, customers and society. We believe that our actions have a real impact on people and society, so we consistently follow our values to create a company that cares about people, builds relationships based on trust, and promotes justice and respect.

  1. Our values

    Human1st is committed to building a work environment that respects and supports every person. In our approach, we always put people first – both employees and customers. Our code of ethics is based on values that contribute to creating a trusted, respected and ethical organization.

  2. Respect for every person

    Respect is the foundation of our work. At Human 1st, every person, regardless of their role, is treated with dignity and kindness. We shun any form of discrimination based on gender, age, background, sexual orientation, religion or economic status. Every employee and candidate has an equal opportunity to develop and have their contributions valued.

  3. Integrity and transparency

    We strive for full transparency in communication and operations. We communicate information clearly, honestly and without manipulation, both internally and externally. We focus on truth and integrity, creating a credible company based on reliable relationships.

  4. Social and environmental responsibility

    Human 1st actively supports sustainable development and engages in social and environmental projects. We adhere to Green Office principles, and our activities focus on the responsible use of natural resources. We also promote socially responsible activities among our business partners and customers.

  5. Professionalism and high quality services

    Our goal is to provide the highest quality services that contribute to the long-term success of our clients and candidates. Professionalism and accountability for our operations are key to us. Human 1st’s team regularly upgrades its qualifications to meet the growing market demands and customer expectations.

  6. Confidentiality and data security

    We are committed to protecting the privacy and personal information of our employees, candidates and clients. We comply with applicable data protection regulations, such as RODO, and apply the highest security standards to ensure complete confidentiality and information security.

  7. Addressing conflicts of interest

    All members of Human 1st are required to avoid situations that could lead to a conflict of interest. Employees must not engage in activities that could undermine trust or damage the company’s reputation. If potential conflicts of interest arise, they must be reported immediately to their supervisor.

  8. Openness and cooperation

    We create an environment conducive to the open exchange of ideas, cooperation and mutual support. We encourage open dialogue and expression of opinions in an atmosphere of mutual respect, which supports the development of the entire organization and its members.

  9. Development and improvement

    Human 1st supports the personal and professional development of its employees. We promote a culture of continuous improvement (Kaizen) and innovation, creating a work environment where everyone can develop their skills and achieve their ambitions.

  10. Prevention of discrimination and harassment

    Human 1st does not tolerate any form of discrimination, harassment or intimidation. We provide a safe and friendly workplace, free from any form of abuse, and take firm steps to respond to any reports.